This season can leave us stretched thin. Hearts clenched, breath held, lips pursed, tears waiting to spill. You too? Nothing sounds more delicious than to sit down like the snow. Be still, alone with God. I’m sorry I’ve gone missing in the midst of recent chaos: Hubby on crutches, daughter arriving home from college resembling Read more…
Cranky Thanky Holiday
Ever find yourself complaining – in a rascally fault-finding spirit – over the people, events, and circumstances of your life that you requested from God years ago? Resenting the answer to your prayers? Tis the season. Family to visit, house to clean, clothes to wash, food to prepare, car to maintain, health to manage, packing, Read more…
A Hand to Hold
Have you ever had a thing – whether exciting adventure or a scary ordeal – you’d rather not be walking through alone? Wishing you had a hand to hold, certain it would be easier if you didn’t have to do it by yourself? That’s how I feel this week about my new website – overjoyed Read more…
God’s Sense of Humor
It’s been a couple weeks of wildly divergent challenging surprises softened by God’s sense of humor. Don’t you love how He steps in when we’re on the edge of freaking out? You know I am blessed beyond belief when y’all tell me the words written here seem to arrive just when you need to hear Read more…
It’s Not About You
Sometimes it’s hard for us to accept the fact that it’s not about you. But that’s what it means to grow up into true, beautiful maturity. That place of unshakable Joy. What if it’s not about your net worth, the car you drive, the size of your house, or the number of “friends” you have Read more…
Lessons In Forgiveness
The past several years God has been walking me through lessons in forgiveness. He seems to have a way of cleverly taking me back, near to the scene of the crime. To places I planned never to return. Yesterday was another such “opportunity” : ) Turns out one of the doctors instrumental in restoring my Read more…
I Dream of Chickens
It may sound crazy, but I dream of chickens – symbols of the dream Hubby and I share. One of my fondest memories from childhood was the week each summer when our neighbors took vacation, leaving us to ‘pick the eggs’. I loved the smell of straw mixed with feathers; the warm brown eggs plucked Read more…
Stop Waiting for Permission
Are you waiting to do something great with your life? Perhaps, like Dorothy looking to the Wizard for the roadmap she carried inside all along, it’s time to stop waiting for permission. Forever looking for some mythical other to swing wide the gate catapulting us to the other side is to waste a lifetime. At Read more…
Tired Is Not an Excuse to Quit
I’m tired today. Feeling like the weather outside my door; a bit gray. Tired of battling technology, jumping the same frustrating hurdles year after year, when all I want to do is write! I argue with myself. Contemplate surrendering the day instead of finishing this post. Searching through my photos for just the right one Read more…
How to Know You Are Beautiful
Ever wish you knew how to know you are beautiful? And really believe it? At last and for good? How nice would it be to put to rest this issue of devaluing our own worth. Denying our own unique perfection as children created in the image and likeness of God. The flowers of the field Read more…