I know, I know! I’ve been away so long you may not remember why you ever asked me to include you on this crazy Journey to Joy in the first place. But it’s time for a change so I’m back and I’m hoping you are too : ) Last time I wrote we were 3+ Read more…
All That Sparkles Isn’t Always Good
I spoke to a friend this week who’s going through a really difficult season – she has a job (2 actually) but needs a better one. She needs the money in order to move her life forward again. A sparkling new job offer came. The pay was really good. The work sounded really fun. There Read more…
When Life Is Not What You Expected
The tyranny of goals and expectations on top of an uber-full life for months on end has left me overwhelmed, discouraged and tired. Can you relate? Chronically feeling like a failure for not getting it all done, rarely enjoying the ride? From beneath the boulder of expectation, it’s difficult to appreciate the view. But the Read more…
What It Means To Be In Christ
Have you ever wondered what it means to be in Christ? Why it’s mentioned in the Bible over 80 times? My husband likes to say we can’t put God in a box. But this picture got me to thinking of the shelter from the storms of life that we can have in Christ. A few Read more…