Sometimes we are called to go out on a limb. To places that may scare us with their power. Places that don’t make sense to anyone but us. I remember years ago, after a divorce, when I was called to move to Chicago. It made no sense. I just knew I was meant to go. Read more…
Today is a new day, and the truth is, it’s never too late to bloom. Life brings seasons of prickly places, when it feels as though you’ve been set upon a shelf, or things seem too painful to endure. But remember… God isn’t finished with you yet. Trust that out of the difficult places come spectacular Read more…
Move Forward – It’s Time To Bloom
Lately, I’ve been going through old journals from a time filled with a series of devastating losses. Viewed through the safe distance of hindsight, the words penned in darkness years ago paint a glorious picture of redemption for today. They bear evidence of whispered promises long forgotten which have now been born to life, desperate prayers answered Read more…
Created to Bless
Remember this… God always brings people together for a purpose. We each carry something the other person needs. So see the other as a gift. We have the ability to sow life. Our words, our touch, our presence – they are water poured out to others. Together, we cross-pollinate. God wants us in community for Read more…