I’m Pregnant!!! With a Dream Have you got a dream carried so long, you’ve nearly given up on it ever coming true? Been through so many difficult things you find it too risky to believe in happy endings anymore? Ever taken a break to rest because you’re soul-weary, only to discover you’re pregnant with twins? Read more…
Walk A Different Path
I have called you to walk a different path, I heard. Have you ever felt like you got lost along the way? Missed God’s plan for your life? Wondering if you’ve misunderstood what He’s called you to do? What if that’s a clue that you’re exactly right on track? When we step out in faith Read more…
Remember Who You Are
It’s time to remember who you are. We are not what we do, what we have, where we are, what we’ve done, the mistakes we’ve made, or what’s been done to us. We are what our Creator made us to become. The enemy wants us to forget that. Give up. There is a choice to Read more…
5 Reasons Not To Be Overwhelmed
I write because I can’t not write. I read to find out what God is trying to tell me that I can’t quite hear without the help of others who have gone before me. I pray because I know I cannot do this alone and something in me convinces me that prayer changes everything. So Read more…