Like me, aren’t you ready for a breakthrough? You know… That moment when Viola! Suddenly everything looks different from here. I’m working on my next book. In the throes of creation, it feels like being in labor… Wading upstream… In the midst of spring run-off. It’s muddy, exhausting work but it won’t let us go. Read more…
Celebrating Freedom
There are times in life when events push us from all that is familiar onto to a course of suffering. There, we are given an opportunity… To become who we were meant to be. Today I celebrate the anniversary of one such day. Although shattered then, NOW I am profoundly grateful. Beauty blooms following dark, long winters. Promises Read more…
Change comes naturally of its own accord. Spring circles round each year, God’s reminder that life rises from fertile darkness. Beauty waits beneath the surface of things. Trust new life is on its way. And it will be beautiful. Amen.