I’ve spent the past 50 years gathering what I call “Evidence of God”. Moments when life turns in such a clearly directed way, often in spite of my own stubborn wanderings through dark valleys and difficult places, out into bursts of beautiful, astounding, awe-inspiring brilliant light.
After wandering the planet a bit, living through quite a lot of painful things, then watching God redeem every single one in unimaginable ways for His Glory and my benefit, I can’t help but tell a desperate world: There is Great reason to hope!
If you are tired, doubting, confused, or lost, wondering if God is there, if He cares, and if all this Jesusy stuff is even real, I hope you’ll come along with me on this wild and crazy Journey to Joy. Along the way I share stories and images from my own life. Moments where I believe God showed Himself faithful, even when I was not.
Looking for hope? Inspiration? Encouragement? Wondering how to start over again after all you’ve been through or you think you have nothing left? That’s a PERFECT place to begin!
Join me as we develop eyes to see and ears to hear more of life’s challenging moments as stepping stones along the Journey to Joy, as we move forward gathering stories of evidence of God.
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