Hi All, I just wanted to say thank you to y’all for giving me these moments of your life, and tell you IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME! I know how busy all our lives are. How we all just need a little encouragement and a shot of beauty in our day to remind us… Read more…
You Need to Pick Your Flowers
It’s my 50th birthday today! I know I’m weird, but I celebrate it with great JOY. There just comes a time when you need to pick your flowers. This day feels like a warm, golden medal draped over the heart after a half century of difficult living – it’s finally safe to trust life Read more…
How To Celebrate Lent Even If You’re Not Catholic
Today is the beginning of Lent. For the next 40 days, we sacrifice – give up something that we enjoy or gives us some kind of a reward. You don’t have to be Catholic to participate. When I was a kid I gave up chocolate. In adult life I’ve given up coffee, wine, sugar, yeast, Read more…
Every Day Thanksgiving
Let’s see today as a new worldview, to be carried throughout the year – a simple shift by which everything changes – in every day thanksgiving. If you have a table at which to sit, a window to see the sun, food enough to eat, and light to see in the dark, you are rich Read more…