Sometimes we are called to go out on a limb. To places that may scare us with their power. Places that don’t make sense to anyone but us. I remember years ago, after a divorce, when I was called to move to Chicago. It made no sense. I just knew I was meant to go. Read more…
Letting Go What Lies Behind – Go Forward
Today is a day of New Beginnings. A rare opportunity to start over and leave the past behind. Make a fresh start. Boldly set out toward a new horizon. The only way to get to where we’re going is to let go of where we’ve been. We can’t hold on to the past and ever Read more…
Breaking Free
Outside the window leaves march eastward calling an end to all things green and blooming. Yet inside something stirs. Amidst this outward season of fading glory and stealing winds new life stirs within. It calls us to remember who we are. You, who have weathered mighty storms and endured seasons of captivity, take Hope. Read more…
Standing On The Edge
Standing on the edge we hear a whisper: “Remember who you are…” Ask yourself what you were made for… Dry land? Water? Blue sky? Resolve to go there. One step decides the way. Amen.