This is the perfect opportunity to cultivate gratitude, in this season of possibilities. Green laces distant hills. Red buds swell. Orchards delight with sudden bloom. Treelines sport a colored crown. Green things push up from blackest dirt. Robins play tug-o-war with sleepy worms. Meadowlarks call ‘game over’ to darkest seasons past, and we welcome driving Read more…
New life doesn’t always make sense or look pretty at first glance. Still a gift awaits those willing to forget what they think they already know. Right beside our path no earning or deserving required. Life is Beauty waiting to be noticed. Let’s notice. Amen.
Out for a walk I came upon a bush that had died a winter’s death yet from its center new life sprung. How often beauty leaps from the ashes of former things. Let’s choose to believe in life, in beauty, in wonderful new things opening in seeming lifeless places. All things are made brand new. Read more…