I write because I can’t not write. I read to find out what God is trying to tell me that I can’t quite hear without the help of others who have gone before me. I pray because I know I cannot do this alone and something in me convinces me that prayer changes everything.
So I go forward from the confusion, shame, grief, suffering, broken promises, and past mistakes into the golden future with a family, a passion to serve, a community, a church, a path, a grand-baby, a garden dormant for the season. These precious things for which I am so grateful.
I look up at the One who leads me down this foggy path and trust that what lies ahead will ultimately be good. It may hurt at times, but I’ve already proven I will survive. I trust His promise as He whispers, “Expect great things.”
Each day I choose to remember the good that has come from all I’ve lived, and go forward eager for new happenings beyond my wildest imaginations. Because when I leave this place I want to know I lived life to the full. I did what I was asked. That will require risk. And failure. And pain. But oh the JOYS that do mount up from treasures gained in people found, wounds healed, lessons shared, seeds planted. Winter always passes. Fruit comes in season, of its own accord.
Listen! Whatever it is that seeks to overwhelm you can be handled just this way:
- Stop and pray. Help is available.
- Relax and trust there is another way.
- Realize that no one dies if you don’t get it all done.
- Rest in knowing you are not alone.
- Trust that it will all be resolved in ways you don’t expect.
And don’t forget to ENJOY YOUR LIFE!!!
John 10:10 AMP: The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). ~ Jesus
Thanks sweet cousin : )