It’s my 50th birthday today! I know I’m weird, but I celebrate it with great JOY. There just comes a time when you need to pick your flowers.
This day feels like a warm, golden medal draped over the heart after a half century of difficult living – it’s finally safe to trust life can be good.
Like this tiny beauty that appeared in our apricot tree on the day it finally bloomed. She was picking blossoms one at a time. The Lesson? How ridiculous to be so abundantly blessed, and NOT pluck every flower from that tree!
Lift it up. Look in close. Truly see…
Taste fully every sweet drop it contains…
Breathe into the brim, its sweet perfume…
Singing praises to the Giver of Spring!
Even the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring… ~ Isaiah 35:1
QUESTION: What is blossoming in your life today? Remember, you need to pick your flowers. Please share in the Comments.