This is a time of waiting. So NOT what I wanted to be doing. Led here by the winding path of hope and heartache, along the journey expecting answers. Restless, ready for change. Instead it’s hot and sticky, another holding pen of God. Training ground of patience and perseverance. Letting go.
I don’t like waiting (she whined). Makes me want to crawl out of my skin, push through to something. Anything. And God says “Wait”, like a prescription, with a “repeat as necessary” thrown in for good measure. Just “Wait”.
So I sat praying in a form of holy venting when a messenger arrived. Its presence spoke: “Look at what is possible from waiting.”
If God has asked you to wait, you can trust He’s listening. But some things are worth waiting for.
…they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings… ~ Isaiah 40:31
QUESTION: What can you let go of today, and choose to trust God instead?
Just the right words at the right moment.
I am so glad. Bless you.