There are things in life we’re called to do. To accomplish. To bring forth. It’s not about us. It’s about those who need what we came here to give.
Exhaustion. Obstacles. Duties. Distractions. Fear in countless guises aims to distract us from our goal.
See the distractions for what they are. For why they’ve come. Something important needs doing. Resistance would prefer you never get it done.
The solution is simple but not easy. Today, let’s set a timer for 15-25 minutes. Then let no thing, no phone, no person, no duty, no distraction of any kind take you from your task. Then do it again. And again. Simple, but not easy.
Each day begin again. Until the task is done.
This is how we overcome fear. Overcome resistance. This is how we change the world. 15 minutes at a time.
Acts 20:24 NLT ~ But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me…
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