1/1/11… Seems there is no more perfect day to start over with Hope in our hearts.
The past is done. Keeping only the true treasures, we move forward.
Great things are afoot.
May we all remember to keep our eyes and ears, and more importantly our hearts, open. For He still speaks in a thousand ways. So much so that even our teabags cry out : )
Will you be still to listen? Slow down to see?
I pray this be the year we let Him be heard.
dasSuiGeneris says
Lovely meditation Joanna. Yes… there is no better time than now than to start over with hope. Thank You for this great meditation, for it is so very refreshing right now. ~das~
Joanna Morgan says
Thank you for your note so very long ago that just got through to me today. I apologize for the technical glitch and hope you are blessed today as well : )