Have you ever felt like God just flipped your pancake? Like maybe all that didn’t come out so bubbly and perfect on the front half, has a second chance to firm up just right on the back?
We recently relocated my parents’ mailbox up the road from the place I grew up to the place we just moved to homestead. Looking at our repurposed mailbox from the uphill side, it reads completely different. Kind of like our lives.
The front half of my life was just plain hard. Darkly scorched, actually. Sprinkled with adventures blundered into while backing away from painful lessons learned.
But when I stopped making my own way and decided to wait for God’s Plan or die trying, it was like He began a slow, nearly invisible process of flipping my life around.
He’s brought me full circle. To a new life right back where my story first began. Just a bit further up the road.
So we’re one month in now. Homesteading in a 5th wheel taking up where my ancestors left off 60 years ago.
I grew up downhill from this mailbox. Then stood before it decades later with my dad, him child-like with Alzheimer’s, as he leaned against me in stillness for a good long time, unable to finish the walk back to the house. Now we’ve moved this relic up the road.
It still has my parents’ names cast on top; fitting since that’s where my story began. And now from the uphill side, in the second half of life, we’re all starting over again. Repurposed.
Grateful that God still flips pancakes.
The LORD blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first. ~ Job 42:12
QUESTION: What if we decided to believe and trust that no matter where we’re at, with God’s help, a good flip side is still possible?
Jan Cline says
As Christians we know all things are possible, but in the middle of our pain lies doubt that God can turn things around. Thank you for the reminder that He doesn’t look at our age, our limitations, or our life circumstances as roadblocks, but as opportunities. Oh, to be like Him!
Joanna Morgan says
Oh Jan, how true. The doubt… Such a battle to believe. So grateful that you are one of the many Blessings on this side of the pancake : )