It’s time to remember who you are.
We are not what we do, what we have, where we are, what we’ve done, the mistakes we’ve made, or what’s been done to us. We are what our Creator made us to become. The enemy wants us to forget that. Give up.
There is a choice to be made. Trust God, or buy into the lie.
Today, let’s choose to trust in the One who gave His life to save each of ours – that we might rise up on the wings we’ve been given.
Remember who you are. Remember Whose you are. Because in Him, we are made able to fly.
… but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles… ~ Isaiah 40:31 NIV
Great post & picture, Joanna. And my favorite scripture. Thanks.
Thanks Carol! And yes, It’s one of my favorites too. I’ve been waiting for someone to point out that the pic is a hawk and not an eagle : ) I sure enjoyed almost meeting you this past week. When we meet for coffee, I’ll have to have you sign a copy of your book.